Meditating to Manage Stress

You don’t have to do anything perfectly here. Sit. breathe. That’s it. If you notice a thought. Say, “hey thought” and let it pass. Focus on your breath the best you can. Even 3 minutes is beneficial. 5 minutes is even better. 10 min? Homerun!

I started meditating off and on years ago but really got into it about 5 years ago. It has 100% changed my life. How you ask? Meditating calms the central nervous system by activating the parasympathetic system. This is your rest and digest system. It tells your body that everything is all good and gives it permission to function in healthy ways. Oftentimes, we operate out of our sympathetic nervous system. This is the one that says, “you’re not safe, it’s time to freakout!” even when there is nothing really to freakout about. Maybe you’ve heard it called fight or flight before. When we are constantly operating from that platform, we are damaging our adrenal system which can be the culprit of numerous illnesses and disorders. Let’s not do that, ok?

How cool is it to know that the path to heal and destress is literally as close to you as your breath.

Inhale. Exhale. Deeply.




Meditation on Divorce - Step One